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If you are looking for the Town of Webster website, you've come to the wrong place. The URL for the Town of Webster is www.webster-nh.gov.

If you are looking for the State of NH website (webster.state.nh.us) and got here by mistake, a better URL to use is http://nh.gov

Dimentech is the Delegated Manager for the webster.nh.us locality. If there are any organizations or individuals within the town that would like a sub-domain off of the webster.nh.us domain, please contact us and we'll update the webster.nh.us DNS zone file accordingly.

Examples of sub-domains that might be created:

There are no fees associated with creating and updating the webster.nh.us DNS configuration.

If any town is interested in Internet Hosting Services, Dimentech offers a discount for all of the towns and cities for which we are the delegated manager.

Last updated: 19 Dec 2011
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Page design by Dimentech

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